Saturday, October 1, 2011

Four Months Locked Today

i have about 3/4 to an inch of hair that needs tightened.  In just 6 weeks.. I think I will be really excited to see what my 6th month Lock-a-Versary will bring.  Can definitely tell it is locking.. It grew a lot after having those extensions in. Get my Retightening here soon in a few days..
Here is a photo of me freshly after washing and then blow drying it completely dry as I could.
Four Months tpday (October 1st) WOO HOO!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

dreadlocks extensions experiement

I used two types of braiding hair:
kinky dread hair -- which comes in a blue package and runs $5.45 a package and comes in long ropes of coarse hair.

The second type of hair- "Marley Braid" it is  is "nappy hair" for women who have softer hair.. it says on the package that it is easier to work with and still gives you a locked or twisted appearance.

initially i just braided in hair by taking chunks of sisterlocks (between 9-20 at a time) and leaving some loose in general-- and braiding the hair into it. This was practice braiding. But then I realized the pattern of my hair was making me look like i had very "scalpy" cover this up, i weaved other pieces of the kinkier hair through the base and double strand twisted it.

I left the front of my hair out and sisterlocked.. similar to what my hair looked like before I cut it all off. However, this look would definitely look better on someone whose hair is kinkier and fuller. (as usual)
This is what it looks like but nothing is up close

you must wear it in a pony tail because the braids and twists are uneven but it still looks fun and exotic

The problem with sisterlocks is there is no 3 inch "under-afro" underneath it from lack of twisting. Sisterlocks are interlocked all the way to the base. Right now i only have 1/4 of an inch of growth. my 3rd re-tigh isnt until october i imagine it getting better closer to period of time where you are due for one...  so basically, what i am trying to say is that thinner hair is more apparent. I will compare this with a picture of my old set of locks

still prefer my old set of locks (9/6/2011)
I feel thinner and sexier with a longer look now.. so its cool to experiment with both while my sisterlocks grow out. Next blog is of me after redoing several of the locks into smaller, more even spacing and added beads and colors.

Friday, August 12, 2011

first major re-tigh 8/9

2 1/3 months. Now I feel nearly completely over my old set of locks and am enjoying the weightlessness feeling of the new dreads  that i know wont last forever

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

finally by 7/19 I can say my hair is 100% filled in

Friday, June 17, 2011

Week two

Finally getting comfortable with my hair the spacing is filling in and I am on Week II. The only parts where  you can see parts/scalp is at the very edges near the ears

This is the first time I have tried not to hide the edges- here I have it pulled back and not pulled to the side. Getting a little more comfortable as it grows out. On June 29th, I have an appointment with Ms. Hamilton to check for slippage. I do know I have quite a bit of slippage at the nape of the neck because that was a soft area.

no more parting grip up top

Friday, June 3, 2011

Consultant Contact Information

Yesterday Shirley finished the last four hours on my hair.
If you are from the Detroit area or the surrounding area you can contact Shirley Hamilton at:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

vanessa the wig

Who wouldn't want to aspire to Joanne Cornwell?

"sisterlock sorority"
the grid pattern is what everyone wants to hide right away but it is also art. Sisterlocks are sooooooo tiny. I got my sisterlocks in the "Medium" Size. The medium is the most common size to get. The retightening schedule does not take too long when you have medium sisterlocks.

There are four sizes to Sisterlocks
1. Micro
2. Small
4. Large

Plucked Chicken: The Rite of Passage
Something that a locked person knows they have to go through

this separates the dread-heads from the non-dread heads
THE WILLINGNESS TO LOOK LIKE A PLUCKED CHICKEN-HEAD is dedication to your dreadlocking art form

Be one with the plucked chicken look (Or get a wig, you decide)

You Tube Video After Installation: Day 2 sisterlocks

my YouTube name is Love888555333
you can see my videos there documenting my first day

Grid Pattern:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I'm not done yet with the sisterlock installation... about four hours to go. Feel comfortable with a scarf- maybe getting a wig

Friday, May 27, 2011


I see how many people out there have a sisterlock blog- and I also see that you can never have read TOO many blogs. To be part of the process-- I will be keeping up with my sisterlock journey here at

I have had natural hair for around 13 years now. This is my SECOND set of dreadlocks..  weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

People who have had many-a-set of dreadlocks understand that if you are a dread person-- once you dread you cannot go back.

I had traditional locks first and they became heavy and pulled at my hairline in the front. I love to lock though and am excited for sisterlocks because they can be curled, styled or anything like that.